
品牌 freescale飞思卡尔 型号 m68multilink08e
批号 10+ 封装 全新原装
营销方式 现货 产品性质 热销
处理信号 数模混合信号 工艺 混合集成
导电类型 双极型 集成程度 中规模
规格尺寸 0(mm) 工作温度 0~70(℃)
静态功耗 0(mw)


features that help make the mon08 multilink a versatile, time-saving tool include the following:

  • universal development tool for all mon08 68hc08s
  • real-time in-circuit debug through mon08 interface
  • fast in-circuit programming
  • auto-detects baud rate and frequency
  • provides optional overdrive clock to target
  • small unobtrusive size (approx. 3”” x 2”” x 3/4””)
  • supports 2v to 5.5v 68hc08s
  • usb-to-mon08 interface
  • automatically cycles power for security checks (up to 125ma)