手表ic 晶圆/芯片/裸片 iz7012

品牌 俄罗斯 型号 iz7012
批号 tl-10 封装 晶圆、裸片
营销方式 现货 产品性质 新品
处理信号 模拟信号 工艺 半导体集成
导电类型 双极型 集成程度 小规模
规格尺寸 3.33*3.1(mm) 工作温度 -40~85(℃)

8-bit controller with flash memory of programs
the microcircuit iz7012 – 8-bit controller with the flash – memory of programs (rom testing
coding with the watch functions, stopwatch with the possibility of the intermediate values fixation
and writing of thirty results into memory).
the microcircuit is intended for receipt, processing and indication of data on the liquid crystal
indicator the microcircuit is applicable in the electronic household appliance devices (counters,
electronic watches, electronic thermometers, pedometers).
main characteristics:
• rom capacity, qrom, bit………………………………3072х16;
• prom capacity, qrom1, bit……………………………1024х16;
• ram capacity, qram, byte…………………..………....128;
• number of bits of alu, bits……………………………8;
• sources of interruptions…………………………….….from 8 inputs,
from event counter at input in8,
from three timers;
• maximum number of controlled……………..……….136 (34 lcd control drivers
lcd segments…………………………………… multiplex levels 1/2,1/3,1/4);
• risc-system of commands…………………………30 types of commands;
• stack……………………………………………………7 levels;
• permissible value of potential
of static electricity, v………………..…………..…....1500
(for pins in1-in8, osci, osco)……………..…..….(1000)
• operating temperature range …………………..…- 40 … +85 °с.