sp8647b cdip16 全新原装

品牌 zarlink 型号 sp8647b
封装 cdip16 批号 91+
营销方式 库存 产品性质 停产
处理信号 模拟信号 工艺 半导体集成
导电类型 双极型 集成程度 大规模
规格尺寸 11(mm) 工作温度 -40~125(℃)
静态功耗 3(mw) 类型 其他ic

sp8647b   cdip16   zarlink  91+  全新原装

 description:  250mhz410/11



the sp8647 is an ecl variable modulus divider, with
ecl10k and ttl/cmos compatible outputs. it divides by 10
when either of the ecl control inputs, pe1 or pe2, is in the high
state and by 11 when both are low (or open circuit).
the two clock inputs are interchangeable and either will act
as a clock inhibit when connected to an ecl high level.
normally, one input is left open circuit and the other is accoupled,
with externally applied bias.